Sonic launches new Soda Pop Shoppe with an old-fashioned twist

Sonic launches new Soda Pop Shoppe with an old-fashioned twist
Sonic launches new Soda Pop Shoppe with an old-fashioned twist

Sonic Drive-In is turning back the clock with the launch of a new line of sweet cream sodas that represent a throwback to a time when every town had a neighborhood soda shop.


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The new Soda Pop Shoppe features hand-crafted sodas that are offered in two main varieties: : Old Fashioned Sweet Cream Sodas or Classic Sweet Cream Sodas.

Old Fashioned Sweet Cream Sodas are mixed with fizzy carbonated water and flavored syrups with real, sweet cream.

Classic Sweet Cream Sodas are made with flavored syrups and iconic sodas including Dr Pepper, root beer or Coca-Cola, mixed with real, sweet cream.

Old-Fashioned Sweet Cream Sodas are offered in a variety of flavors including Vanilla, Strawberry, Cherry, Grape, Blue Coconut, Blue Raspberry and Green Apple.

Classic Sweet Cream Sodas are available in classic combinations like Cherry Sweet Cream Dr Pepper, Blue Coconut Sweet Cream Coke, Strawberry Sweet Cream Coke, Cherry Vanilla Sweet Cream Coke, Strawberry Sweet Cream Root Beer, Vanilla Sweet Cream Fanta Orange, Strawberry Sweet Cream Fanta Orange and Chocolate Sweet Cream Root Beer.

Soda Pop Shoppe sweet cream sodas are available nationwide, but only for a limited time.

Hand-crafted sodas join a drink and slush menu with more than 1.3 million flavor combinations, all available half price every day from 2-4 p.m. during Sonic’s Happy Hour.